The ninth series of the British television drama series ''Waterloo Road'' began airing on 5 September 2013 on BBC One and ended on 12 March 2014. The series follows the lives of the staff and pupils of the eponymous school, a troubled Scottish comprehensive school. It consists of twenty episodes. This series also marks the departure of Grantly Budgen, the last of the original cast members. ==Cast and characters== *Philip Martin Brown as Grantly Budgen; English Teacher (until episode 6) *Mark Benton as Daniel 'Chalky' Chalk; Ex-Teacher and Foster Parent (episode 16 only) *Kane Tomlinson-Weaver as Harley Taylor; Pupil *Naveed Choudhry as Tariq Siddiqui; Ex-Pupil (episode 7) *Melanie Hill as Maggie Budgen; Home Economics Teacher, Housemistress *Heather Peace as Nikki Boston; English Teacher (until episode 20) *Rebecca Craven as Rhiannon Salt; Pupil *Laurie Brett as Christine Mulgrew; Head Teacher *Shane O'Meara as Connor Mulgrew; Pupil, Ex-Pupil (episode 1-13, 20) *Georgie Glen as Audrey McFall; History Teacher *Kirstie Steele as Imogen Stewart; Pupil (until episode 20) *Marlene Madenge as Lula Tsibi; Pupil (until episode 19) *Jenny Ryan as Sally Stewart; Parent and Governor (episode 10 only) *Tommy Lawrence Knight as Kevin Chalk; Pupil *Victoria Bush as Sonya Donnegan, Personal Assistant to Christine *Zoe Lucker as Carol Barry; Canteen Assistant and Parent (episode 7 onward) *Carl Au as Barry Barry; Pupil, Ex-Pupil (until 10; episode 14 to episode 18) *Abby Mavers as Dynasty Barry; Pupil *Brogan Ellis as Kacey Barry; Pupil (until episode 10, episode 19 onwards) *Shaun Prendergast as Robert Bain; Head of Education (episode 1, episode 8 to 10, episode 19 to 20) *Angus Deayton as George Windsor; Modern Foreign Languages Teacher and Deputy Head *Richard Mylan as Simon Lowsley; Deputy Head and English Teacher *Elizabeth Tan as Princess Windsor; Wife, Mandarin Teaching Assistant (episode 2 to 4) *Joe Slater as Lenny Brown; Pupil *Caitlin Gillespie as Lisa Brown; Pupil *Vanessa Hehir as Sue Lowsley (previously Spark); Science Teacher *Mark Beswick as Darren Hughes; Pupil *Je'Taime Morgan Hanley as Shaznay Montrose; Pupil *Christopher Chung as Archie Wong; Pupil (until episode 19) *Leon Ockenden as Hector Reid; Head of Physical Education (episode 11 onward) *Naomi Battrick as Gabriella Wark; Pupil (episode 11 to 20) *Kristin Atherton as Vix Spark; Partner (episode 10 to 20) 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Waterloo Road (series 9)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク